Saturday, August 05, 2006

Mary Rizzo approves of Terrorism (As long as only Jews and her enemies are killed)
peacepalestine: "By the same token, by the way, I do not accept that what is called Terror is not just only because it hurts civilians. After all it is obvious that it will hit civilians. What other way is there for oppressed nations to rebel and try and change their fate if not via attacks on civilians? Sartre, in his time, already justified terror and so did Nelson Mandela in South Africa. Where would South Africa be today if not for Terror? "
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Another Islamo-fascist supporter has been forced to moderate her blog!

Chalk up another antisemitic blog that has been forced into moderation by IbrahamAv. The free flow of lies by supporters of Arab suicide bombers and Islamic fascist movement has been ended. First Umkahlil, then PeacePalestine (Intermittant) Mark Elf's garbage site and then Lowenstein's. Now axis of Israel has bit the dust.