Noted Antisemite, Mary Rizzo, joins forces with purveyor of holocaust denial material, Peter Meyers.
Why this development is not surprising, it is unexpected unless you see the link between noted American antisemite J. Blankfort and Christian antisemite, Gilad Atzmon.
Here it is:
From: " mary rizzo" Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 16:28:39 +0200 From: maryA particularly entertaining (and enlightening) new piece by Gilad Atzmon
Peter Myers, 381 Goodwood Rd, Childers 4660, Australia ph +61 7 41262296 Mirror:
Why this development is not surprising, it is unexpected unless you see the link between noted American antisemite J. Blankfort and Christian antisemite, Gilad Atzmon.
Here it is:
From: " mary rizzo"
Peter Myers, 381 Goodwood Rd, Childers 4660, Australia ph +61 7 41262296 Mirror: