Seems our Bavarian Nazi pulled this discredited gem out of her ass!
I want to mention at this point what Ariel Sharon said, publically in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament in Jerusalem) on October 3, 2001 to Shimon Peres, as reported on "Kol Israel" ("The voice of Israel" - radio station):"Everythime we do something, you tell me America will do this and will do that ... I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. WE THE JEWISH PEOPLE CONTROL AMERICA, AND THE AMERICANS KNOW IT!"I suppose Ariel Sharon knew what he was saying ...Karin Homepage 10.04.06 - 3:37 am #
Posted on Neo-Nazi Chet's blog at http://criese1946.blogspot.com/
How many times do we have to prove to these nazis that Sharon never uttered those words anywhere? And how about her little hypocritical comment about not slandering anyone?